Tuesday, October 27, 2009

20-minute meals: A nutty salad...

Red cabbage, blue cheese and walnuts salad

Preparation time: 20 mins maximum (easy-peasy!)
Cooking time: none!
For 4-6 servings

Psst! Here's my tip: This salad is most delicious when served with veal scallopini.

- 400g of red cabbage (rather finely chopped)
- 2 celery sticks + leaves
- 2 tbspns of Danish blue cheese crumbs (or Roquefort)
- 2 tbspns of Sultana raisins or mix of dried berries.
- 1 cup of walnuts
- 1 tbspn of pumpkin seeds

Also, if you have some potatoes at home, don't hesitate to throw them in; the more, the merrier! Remember it's fall, you can indulge in an extra-load of starch ;-)
My advice: Peel 3 potatoes, quarter them and steam them for 5 minutes or so, then cut them into smaller cubes before adding them to the mixture. I tried it last night, and it was a big hit!

- 1 tbspn of fine Dijon Mustard or seed style mustard
- 1 tbspn of Tapenade (gree or black olives purée)
- 2 tbspns of cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar
- 3 tbspns of grapeseed or safflower oil
- 2 tbspns of sesame oil
- Ground pepper and fine sea salt
- 1 pinch of Curry powder, or chili powder
- Fresh coriander leaves or flat parsley, for garnish.
Et voilà!
Rendez-vous sur Hellocoton !

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